Journal Entry 15

09/14/2010 11:01

Today was BACKWARDS DAY!!!!! Backwards day is when we make the car travel in the opposite direction and show how the car isn't going negative numbers. our car traveled -16.5 feet but because you can't travel a negative number it really went 16.5 feet. That explains absolute value. We also tested the car a little to make sure we really had the correct angle of the wheels but we couldn't test it too much because of the whole spring wearing out. If we continue winding up the spring, eventually it will only go half way, which is how far it needs to go, and Kiersten, being an over achiever, would be very upset by this.

We also discussed why multiplying a number by a decimal, such as .5, it gets smaller. The equivelent to .5 is 1/2 so if you were to half a number, such as 6, it would equal three.

Also, if you were to multiply a number, such as 3, by a whole number, such as 10, it would equal 30. This is because when you multiply something it's like adding the same number a bunch of times.

If you were to multiply a whole number, such as 5, by a negative number, such as -4, you would get -20. The answer would be negative. Explanation: Its pretty much a subtraction problem. -5-5-5-5=-20

